NEW: They Came Upon A Midnight Raid

Hi Liberty Friends!
When DJ Brown contacted me with his story I knew I had to write another tale to further emphasize the importance of doing something.
So here's the plot:
While in the underworld, DJ meets a man who uncovers a secret from his past. All while a buzz goes on about a French Fry King whose promised to Make America Great Again.
DJ knows there is more at stake here than meets the eye but …
… will the French Fry King be able to overcome the Cackle Queen?!…
… with the Fake News Media, Rats, and Roaches who abound … what hope is there?
Get your copy here and read along to find out! I'm proud to give it my full endorsement as we have only just begun to fight! We have much work ahead of us as a nation and it's going to take every one of us to Make America
Godly Again!
Your purchase of
They Came Upon A Midnight Raid will help me to continue to send hope and encouragement, along with Bibles, to the J6 hostages and their families. You can even gift a copy to a J6 family for Christmas!
We can all do something. I’ll see you on the front lines for freedom!
Mighty because of Christ Jesus,
MAGA Mouse
Isaiah 55:7 — Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteousness man his thoughts. Let him return to Yahweh, and He will have mercy on him, to our god, for He will freely pardon.
Tags: Truth, Liberty, MAGA Mouse and friends, Justice, FBI CRIME, MAGA Mouse To The Rescue