
Greetings from prison...

Greetings from prison…
The world is dying for a Saviour and we have the answer. With God you can truly walk in the shadow of death and not be afraid. He has given me true peace where I'm at.
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Palace or Dungeon?

Palace or Dungeon
Whether you’ve been placed in the palace or a dungeon somewhere, you and I have been called for such a time as this… Read More…

Exhortation to the J6ers...

Exhortation to the J6ers
Jesus Saves, Jesus Liberates, and Jesus Vindicates. Your victory is assured in him, take care that you are not found wandering anywhere else. The judge who presided over your kangaroo court will face the Eternal Judge. Read More…

It all began with a mouse ...

MAGA Mouse Website Logo
It all began with a mouse who donned a MAGA hat and appeared in the DC Gulag one day where many of the J6 patriots are being detained; held as political hostages. Read More…

For such a time as this...

MAGA Mouse Gavel
Day 5 Update on Colt McAbee's trial from his wife Sarah, "As I’ve said from the beginning, whatever God has chosen for these individuals is BIGGER than we could ever imagine…"
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Get in the Game!

MAGA Mouse field
"God over everything! We all have a role to play. Don't sit in the stands or on the sidelines! I challenge you all to get in the game!" Read More…
MAGA Mouse

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