J6 Patriot

Greetings from prison...

Greetings from prison…
The world is dying for a Saviour and we have the answer. With God you can truly walk in the shadow of death and not be afraid. He has given me true peace where I'm at.
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Palace or Dungeon?

Palace or Dungeon
Whether you’ve been placed in the palace or a dungeon somewhere, you and I have been called for such a time as this… Read More…

Letters to MAGA Mouse: Barry Ramey

Letters to MAGA Mouse
Thank you for keeping the conversation going about us J6ers. We need more mice like you!
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The Petersburg Problem

The Petersburg Problem
For 14 nights my family went to bed not knowing why I’d suddenly stopped calling, what was going on or where I was. As a PRE-TRIAL inmate at a crucial point in my case… Read More…

Exhortation to the J6ers...

Exhortation to the J6ers
Jesus Saves, Jesus Liberates, and Jesus Vindicates. Your victory is assured in him, take care that you are not found wandering anywhere else. The judge who presided over your kangaroo court will face the Eternal Judge. Read More…

How strong is your faith?

MAGA Mouse in Prison
What would your response have been to having every one of your rights violated for the past 2+ years, locked away in a horrible DC jail? This was the response of one such patriot… Read More…

America's Path

MAGA Mouse America's Path
"America's Path" Poem written by J6 Patriot and Political Prisoner Chris Quaglin… Read More…
MAGA Mouse

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