It's a NEW RELEASE from MAGA Mouse and friends; a tale that is sure to bring a smile!
Read More…Tags: Truth, Liberty, MAGA Mouse and friends, Justice, FBI CRIME, MAGA Mouse To The Rescue
This too shall pass and by God’s grace we WILL have our home again!
Read More…Tags: Armor of God, God's Word
A poem by Uncle Wisdom for our J6 Leaders …
Read More…Tags: Faith, Gulag, Justice
06/10/24 09:53 PM Filed in:
MAGA Mouse News | Final Stand | AmericaIf America falls there will be no place to flee. We have been chosen and placed on earth for such a time as this. This is our moment in history, our “Final Stand,” our “Alamo” our “rendezvous with destiny” … the time to make your voice known is now!
Read More…Tags: Faith, Patriots, Freedom
Every passenger has jumped from the plane except you, the pilot and a millionaire. But there is one problem.
Read More…Tags: Gospel, End times, Faith
06/01/24 09:55 PM Filed in:
MAGA Mouse News | HeroesNo doubt a true hero is one who rises above his circumstances to serve the needs of others.
Read More…Tags: Jesus Christ, Hope
Dear MAGA Mouse,
… By now you probably will know the outcome of the NYC Trump trial as the jury deliberates his fate today. I was speaking with a South African man about it today, and he said that other nations are stunned by how our country is persecuting a political opponent. He said that this sort of thing is basically accepted and expected in their elections, but thought that our politics were different.
Read More…Tags: Faith, Armor of God, Politics
05/20/24 09:58 PM Filed in:
Freedom | J6 Patriot | MAGA Lives Matter
A poem written by J6 patriot Laura Steele …
Read More…Tags: Independence, Liberty, Poem
05/10/24 09:40 PM Filed in:
MAGA Mouse News | To the J6ersWhether you find yourself in the palace today or a desolate dirty dungeon, there isn’t a doubt, you and I have been called and placed on earth for such a time as this… will you answer the call? Are we willing to serve the Lord wherever He has placed us today?
Read More…Tags: Faith, Heroes
MAGA Mouse … FCI Memphis is a 3rd World Prison. My cell floods every time it rains. Rain and water pours through the ceilings from multiple roof leaks and trash cans are set everywhere to catch the rain. Read More…Tags: J6 hostages, Trump Won
04/16/24 09:40 PM Filed in:
MAGA Mouse News | Freedom | Final Stand In 1942 Sophie was horrified at the atrocities being committed against her Jewish neighbors. At age 21 she understood she needed to stop blaming evil people for doing evil things. Our responsibility is to stand in the middle of the road and prevent their evil agenda.
Read More…Tags: Christian, Jewish, Truth
God’s wrath will not sleep forever. He is angry with the wicked every day. (Psalm 7:11) He has promised to set all things right at the judgement throne of Christ. (Acts 17:31), judging even the secret and hidden thoughts and intents of the heart. Repent of your sins today and put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.
Read More…Tags: Justice, God's Word, End times
04/06/24 09:24 PM Filed in:
Uncle Wisdom | J6 Heroes | To The J6ersA poem written by Uncle Wisdom for our J6 Heroes
Read More…Tags: Forgiveness, Faith
MAGA Mouse attends Trump rally to raise awareness to our patriots plight; calls mice to action!
Read More…Tags: Prison Chior, J6 hostages
Never forget who you are, why you’re here, and where you’re going, and you’ll never be lost.
Read More…Tags: Jesus Christ, Armor of God, Patiots
The world is dying for a Saviour and we have the answer. With God you can truly walk in the shadow of death and not be afraid. He has given me true peace where I'm at.
Read More…Tags: J6 Patriot, Jesus Christ
01/26/24 06:56 PM Filed in:
Patriot | Testimony | Truth | Prison Ministry
Whether you’ve been placed in the palace or a dungeon somewhere, you and I have been called for such a time as this… Read More…Tags: Patiots, Sacred Honor, J6 Patriot
01/22/24 06:52 PM Filed in:
J6 Hostage | Tyranny
For 14 nights my family went to bed not knowing why I’d suddenly stopped calling, what was going on or where I was. As a PRE-TRIAL inmate at a crucial point in my case… Read More…Tags: J6 Patriot
As they're in their fiery furnace now, we know that God can protect them as He has done their entire lives, Hallelujah! Read More…Tags: Prayer, January 6th, Scripture
01/07/24 06:47 PM Filed in:
Letters from Prison | Hope | Truth
Jesus Saves, Jesus Liberates, and Jesus Vindicates. Your victory is assured in him, take care that you are not found wandering anywhere else. The judge who presided over your kangaroo court will face the Eternal Judge. Read More…Tags: J6 Patriot, Jesus Christ
01/06/24 08:36 PM Filed in:
Founding FathersNo Signer defected, or changed his stand, throughout the darkest hours. Their honor, like the nation, remained intact. Read More…Tags: Liberty, Honor, Integrity
01/06/24 08:33 PM Filed in:
MAGA Mouse News | Truth
It all began with a mouse who donned a MAGA hat and appeared in the DC Gulag one day where many of the J6 patriots are being detained; held as political hostages. Read More…01/02/24 06:40 PM Filed in:
Patriot | FBI | Letters from Prison
BANG! BANG! BANG! "Open Up!" "Come Out! Come Out! With Your Hands Up!" Seconds later they break down the door, Shaking the house to its very core… Read More…Tags: Poem
10/09/23 08:21 PM Filed in:
Patriot | Faith | Truth
Day 5 Update on Colt McAbee's trial from his wife Sarah, "As I’ve said from the beginning, whatever God has chosen for these individuals is BIGGER than we could ever imagine…"
Read More…Tags: FBI
Prayer shared by Christian patriot and political prisoner Jake Lang from the cells of the DC Gulag… Read More…Tags: Prayer, Courage, Trust, DC Gulag
What would your response have been to having every one of your rights violated for the past 2+ years, locked away in a horrible DC jail? This was the response of one such patriot… Read More…Tags: J6 Patriot, DC Gulag
09/19/23 08:14 PM Filed in:
America | January 6th | Patriot"America's Path" Poem written by J6 Patriot and Political Prisoner Chris Quaglin… Read More…Tags: Poem, J6 Patriot
"God over everything! We all have a role to play. Don't sit in the stands or on the sidelines! I challenge you all to get in the game!" Read More…Tags: God, Love, Jesus Christ , FBI, DOJ
Thank you for keeping the conversation going about us J6ers. We need more mice like you!
Read More…Tags: Humor, J6 Patriot
Get a glimpse into the life of a J6 patriot who's been held in the DC Gulag for the past 2+ years, this letter was written possibly only hours before he was shipped out to a new location…
Read More…Tags: Trump, Congress, DC Gulag